Matilde Marín · Transformación. La gráfica en desborde · MNG
Matilde Marín is part of the collective exhibition Transformación. La gráfica en Desborde, in the National Museum of Engraving, with his work Myths of Creation.
Contemporary graphics overflows the historical limits of engraving and expands into different forms of intervention, reviews genealogies and considers extensive resources. Transformation. Overflowing graphics builds bridges between the past and the present of this practice: it proposes crosses between images of different temporalities that provide readings on the reconfiguration processes of the printed image. Under the curatorship of Silvia Dolinko and Cristina Blanco, works by 40 contemporary artists and collectives are exhibited in dialogue with more than 70 works from the National Museum of Engraving heritage.
The proposal starts from a broad sense of the notion of transformation that includes the mutation of resources, poetics and procedures, the expansion of intervention strategies, the activation of questioning or mobilization iconographies. This exhibition proposes to show the power of graphics to promote visual, cultural and social changes. Proposals of expanded graphics were selected and commissioned thinking responses to various problems: works that convey disruptive or experimental discourses, that show the construction of affective communities and highlight urgent problems, giving an image to the search for new artistic and social relationships through action with the printed image.
In this exhibition, artisanal and industrial production coexist, the character of printed pieces and its drifts towards the immaterial. The selection includes woodcuts, lithographs, serigraphs, posters, publications, stamps, stickers, projections, among other expressions of graphics, both from individual authorship and from collective enunciation. The multiple poetics, techniques and devices present in the tour show the dynamics of expansion and transformation of this scene in the last decades.
Artists and groups: Agrupación de Artistas de Rosario, Esteban Álvarez, AZETAguía, Adolfo Bellocq, boba, Mele Bruniard, Campaña Gráfica Vivas Nos Queremos, Capitana, Aída Carballo, Ricardo Carpani, Club de Grabado de Montevideo, Club de la Estampa de Buenos Aires, CUSAM, Alfredo de Vincenzo, Claudia del Río, Lucas Di Pascuale, Ediciones El Fuerte, Noemí Escandell, Fábrica de Estampas, Guillermo Facio Hebequer, León Ferrari, Carlos Filevich, Juan Grela, Grupo de Arte Callejero, Grupo Grabas, Iconoclasistas, Identidad Marrón, Marcos Irizarry, Roberto Jacoby, Magdalena Jitrik, Marcelo Kopp, La Grieta, La Lola Mora, José Luis Landet, Nelia Licenziato, New York Graphic Workshop, Lulú Lobo, Fernando López Anaya, Matilde Marin, Julia Mensch, César T. Miranda, Andrea Moccio, Mujeres Públicas, Luis Felipe Noé, Nosotras Proponemos, Leticia Obeid, Elisa O´Farrell, Fayga Ostrower, Liliana Porter, Santi Pozzi, Lorena Pradal, Presión, Victor Rebuffo, Osvaldo Romberg, Juan Carlos Romero, Pablo Rosales, Mabel Rubli, Mariela Scafati, Lotte Schulz, Luis Seone, Serigrafistas Queer, Ricardo Supisiche, Taller Popular de Serigrafía, Valeria Traversa, Abraham Vigo, Edgardo Antonio Vigo, Santiago Villanueva, Ivana Vollaro y Daniel Zelaya.