
Marcela Cabutti · 97 Salón Anual de Santa Fe · Museo Rosa Galisteo

Marcela Cabutti is part of the 97th Santa Fe Annual Salon, at the Rosa Galisteo Museum, selected with her work Choques, 2017.

The National Annual Hall of Santa Fe -also known as Salón de Mayo- is one of the main ways of acquisition for the Rosa Galisteo’s heritage, which has been nurturing its collection with works by modern and contemporary artists from the History of Argentine Art. Its first edition was in 1922, at the museum opening, and since then it has been replicated annually, updating itself based on artistic practices and contemporary art production methods.

Each Hall proposes to rethink and critically review the museum’s heritage, plan the path of its collections, and redefine the hall in connection with the community and its context. The Hall calls artists or groups of Argentine and / or foreign artists who have more than three years of continuous and verifiable residence in the country who may present works or projects made in different materials and spatial and conceptual variants: two-dimensional, three-dimensional pieces, installations , audiovisual, digital, performance or sound pieces. At the same time, it also dialogues with disciplines such as painting, sculpture, drawing, ceramics, as spaces for reflection where modern techniques acquire new meanings.

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